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ATI Catalyst 8.6 Treiberpaket
20.06.2008 um 11:36 Uhr - Sea
ATI hat den Catalyst 8.6 Treiber veröffentlicht unterstützt werden die Betriebssysteme Windows XP sowie Vista in der 32- und 64-Bit-Edition.

Wichtige Neuerungen:
  • OpenGL Adaptive Anti-Aliasing Custom Filters support
  • OpenGL CrossFireX™ (QUAD) support - 3 or 4 GPUs in CrossFire™ mode Catalyst Install enhancement - No reboot required after Catalyst
  • upgrade install

  • 3DMark Vantage:10 to 15% gains across all Radeon™ HD 3xxx and HD 2xxx products, with larger gains in specific cases.
  • Call of Duty 4: Performance increases across all Radeon™ HD 3xxx and HD 2xxx products, with gains as large as 35% in specific maps.
  • Call of Juarez DX10: Performance increases between 2 and 9% across all HD 3xxx and HD 2xxx products
  • Company of Heroes (DX10 version): Performance increases between 4 and 10% across HD 36xx and HD 34xx products.
  • Lost Planet (DX10 version): Performance increases by 1 or 2 fps across all HD 3xxx and HD 2xxx products, creating in some cases up to 20% increase.
  • Lost Planet (DX9 version): Performance increases between 2 and 20% across all HD 3xxx and HD 2xxx products
  • Prey OpenGL: 3-5% gains across HD 3xxx and HD 2xxx products.
  • Quake 4 OpenGL: Up to 8% increase across all HD 3xxx and HD 2xxx products.
  • Shadermark 2.1: Minor improvements across all HD 3xxx and HD 2xxx products, with the largest gains appearing on HD 3650 (up to 9%)
  • ViewPerf 10: Substantial performance improvements across several of the sub-tests, with the largest gains in ugnx (up to 55%), catia (up to 17%) and tcvis (up to 10%) across all of the HD 3xxx and HD 2xxx products.


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18.10.2024 um 06:45 Uhr nach UTC +1 [Sommerzeit]